Sunday, February 17, 2008

Black Eyes

Just a little update on Tag's bruise. The color is setting in and it just keeps getting more black and blue. I don't think the last picture did it justice. To top it all off, now Maddie has a fever too. I have been busy all day wiping snotty noses and dealing with whiney kids.. yeah! But at least Cam is home, so don't feel too bad for me! Please don't show this picture to anyone who works for DCFS- they may pay me a visit.


Ricki said...

OH MY HECK!!!! You said it was bad, but wow!!! That is a nice!! Cam should be so proud! Not only one shiner, but two!! At least when he does something, he does it well!!!! I am so scared for Daxton to pull some of the stunts that Tag has!!!

The Karrens said...

seriously...even the Karren kids have never had a whopper like that! holy cow! good thing daddy's home so maybe you'll stop beating those kids! :) j/k and congrats on the potty training, isn't it nice?

Jason and Tawni said...

Oh I am so thankful that Cam is back home. Did you make it clear that it is your turn to take a trip without children and go relax somewhere? Wow, I am really in for a life changing experience when Stella makes it home huh? So much to look forward to after the NICU days are over!

Allison said...

Mandy! I'm dying for you right now! I'm so glad that Cam is back. Seriously, props to all of the single mommies out there, like you, I don't know how in the world they manage. Last week Bradey was gone for about 5 days, and my kids actually brought me to tears, I was so frustrated! When Bradey is gone I force them all to go to bed at an insanely early hour, just so I can take a quick breather before I crash into bed. Poor Tag, I hope that he is feeling better, and Maddie too, and Mommy too for that matter!

anne said...

It's a good thing we mom's document stuff like this. Then we can show them when they're older what they put us through. That bump is gynormous!

Melissa said...

That is so typical that all heck brakes loose when dad is gone, at least at my house. OH!!!how I hate the sand dunes and the no cell phone service. Jayson is planning a trip as we speek. I am an aweful wife and only let him have 4-5 trips down there. I am always stressed that they will get hurt or die for that matter and I would never know. I definately can not do this mommy job alone either. How do they do it? (single moms) Hopefully you are keeping track and have something planned, so he gets to watch the kids while you are having "mommy time". You can come up and go to Good Things Utah with me if you want! I have extra tickets!!!! Sounds like you have had a doosy of a weekend. So SORRY!! I find comfort in knowing that I am not the only crazy mom just about to pull my hair out, especialy when I hear stories like yours. Hope the kids get better! Tomorrow is another day----Thank Heavans!

Veronica said...

OUCH!!! Your poor little guy! It hurts just looking at it :(

Dion Seneca said...

Ouch!!! He looks a bit like a triceratops...maybe he will think that is cool ( I know my boys would!)

The Ashcroft's said...

Holy Cow! Everytime I see this picture my stomach jumps a little, you know that feeling in your gut when you kids get hurt? Remember when Macy fell out of the shopping cart and Tyler was out of town? I think Tag's nose takes the award for the most colorful!! Glad he is okay and didn't break his head open or break his nose.

Anonymous said...

Wow Mandy I am giving you the red badge of courage of some sort of medal for catching up on my slacking and commenting on every post. You're a trooper.

I have been so busy I haven't posted much, but looks like you've had a crazy busy month as well. Hawaii looked wonderful. I think I could smell and feel the warmth just from your pictures. I know we just got back from vacation, but I swear I'm ready for another one. Maybe we need to come to sunny St. George and enjoy your warmth and sunshine.

Tag looks like he's been through the ringer. Boys will be boys right. Did he really just potty train himself. Honestly that is the only reason I don't want a boy. I don't want to be cleaning up urine all over the ways because something catches their attention. If we do have a boy, he'll be sitting to pee until he's 8.

Hope Maddie and Cam had a good birthday. We're all getting older and I hate to say it, but I think I've entered my favorite stage in life so far. You guys sound like you're hitting your stride with all your trips. How fun will that be with Kim and Blair. You guys will love it.

Hope you all are doing great. Sorry for the crazy long post. Sure do love you guys. Thanks for sharing little pieces of your crazy fun life with us.