Sunday, October 3, 2010

Where does time go?

I can't believe another month has come and gone and it is already October! The weather has been so warm that it has still felt like summer and the month of September just flew right on by! We have been so busy with the kids being in school, dance, tumbling, etc. that I have been going crazy!! I forgot how hard it is to have a newborn baby when we have to be in several different places during the day at certain times. Parker is getting very used to napping in his carseat, that's for sure! Speaking of Parks, he is now 2 months old! At his doctor's visit he weighed 13 pounds, 11 ounces, which is the 89% for his age. He is quite a chubby little boy! He was 23 inches long, which is the 51% for his age. His cheeks just seem to be getting bigger by the minute!

He is still being a pretty good baby, but not as good as the first month. He has started smiling and cooing which is really sweet. He loves his carseat and his swing or bouncy seat, and of course, he loves being held! He has already outgrown his 0-3 month clothes and he is definately my chubbiest baby. We just can't stop kissing those cheeks!

Maddie had a very special tea party at her Grammy's house a couple weekends ago. Maddie and her cousin, Isabelle, got all dressed up with makeup and Princess dresses.

They ate strawberries, cupcakes, rolls and then a very special visitor came....Cinderella!! The girls were sooo excited to see her! She read them a story and taught them how to twirl, curtsy, and wave.

It was such a fun day and I am sure Maddie will remember it forever! We are so glad that Grammy is such good friends with Cinderella and Snow White so that we get to have special visits with them!
These peaches came from the peach tree in our back yard! We have been eating them for the last couple weeks and they are the most delicious peaches I have ever tasted!! Aren't they beautiful?!

My sister had her baby a couple weeks ago and Baby Sophie is the sweetest thing ever! She is tiny and has so much beautiful dark hair! We have had three babies born in 6 months in my family and here they are: Sophie 2 1/2 weeks, Parker 2 months, and Emma almost 6 months. Parker is catching up quickly to little Emma and I am sure he will be the biggest of all three here pretty soon. It will be so much fun to see them all grow up together!

Well that was basically our month is a nutshell. Cam and I did get a quick little weekend trip up to Park City with Parks and my parents watched Taggart and Maddie, but I didn't take any pics. We did some shopping, relaxed and ate at some great restaraunts. It was great to only have one kid and Parks was pretty good for us. I had a cold, though, so that was kinda a bummer. Anyway, I am sure this next month will fly by just as fast as the last one. I just don't know where the time goes??


Brooke and Tyler Todd said...

That is the question of the century. Where does the time go? I can't believe how big baby Parks is getting! I can't wait to see him

Donny and Colleen said...

Adorable pic of the 3 little ones. Wow!! our family is really got the baby thing goin on! What a blessing they all are. Actually all 7 are!!

Ricki said...

Wow! He is a chunk when you put him next to his cousins! How fun for them to all be so close as they grow up! That grandma Marion is pretty amazing with all the things she comes up with for the grandkids! I bet Maddie was totally in awe of the beautiful Cinderella! We are so happy you get to come down here next week! I am soooo looking forward to some girl time!

Heather and Trevor said...

what a great catchup post! parker is soooo cute! I love his cheeks! he already weighs almost as much as austin but at least your little guy is taller :) so funny! we need to get hooked up with a princess visit one of these days! how fun! glad you got a little trip to park city too. hope your cold is better too!

Jason and Tawni said...

Your kids are getting so big!!! I can't believe how grown up Maddie looks. Parker is so cute and I am glad you are enjoying #3. We miss you guys!!!

The Karrens said...

Let's just get this on the record... you said the weather has been so warm and beautiful... in cache valley... Let's just remember this in the next few months! Oh', and dang cute pictures of you guys, too!