Cam sacked out after dinner and Parks snuggled up to him with a big grin!
I am sooo thankful to have 3 wonderful and healthy children! (Even though Maddie would not smile or look at the camera ALL weekend long. I could not get a good picture of her for the life of me!)
Oh, this little boy is the sweetest thing in the whole wide world!! More about him in a few minutes, but how cute is his little half smile?
On Saturday we went to the Nutcracker in Logan. This is a Christmas tradition that I wanted to start and my kids really loved it. Taggart liked it even better than I expected, but when the guy comes out to dance his second solo in the end, he said, "Awww, not this guy again!" Maddie really loved seeing all the ballerinas and especially loved sitting by her cousin, Ada (with both of them on Poppy's lap for most of the time!)
Here are Ada and Maddie with Nana. Like the candy in Maddie's mouth?
Jason and Claudia and their kids were in town from California and Tag and Maddie had so much fun playing with their cousins. Maddie and Ada was VERY into dressing up and this is pretty much what they looked like the entire time they were at Nana's house. I just love to see them playing with all of our old toys! This is the one picture Maddie posed in and she did it well. Is she a Diva or what?
My parents gave all the grandkids pajamas and I only got a picture of the 3 babies. Seriously, how cute are they? Parker is almost the biggest, even though he isn't the oldest!
Since we won't see Jason and his family at Christmas, we decided to let the kids open their gift exchange presents. They were all very excited about opening Christmas gifts early.
We did have a great Thanksgiving weekend! We spent a lot of time with family, ate a TON of good food, and tried to stay warm since it was freezing cold and very snowy! Winter has arrived!
PARKER is now almost 4 1/2 months old. He really is the sweetest, best baby ever! He has been sleeping through the night for about a month and he naps like a champ during the day too! I feel like he is always asleep! When he is awake, he usually just chills under his play gym or his mobile or just watches us. He has been laughing a lot lately and the kids really think this is fun! The other day Maddie bent down in front of him to pick something up and he thought it was funny, so she kept doing it and he was giggling every time she did it! It was so funny!!! At his 4 month Dr. visit, he weighed 16 lbs. 7 ounces (84th % for age) and was 26 inches long (85th % for age). So he is pretty big boy!! Just look at all his rolls!!
He is just such a content, happy baby. He loves his hands and often times you can hear him sucking them really loudly! We are just soo in love with him!!
Baby Parker is a doll! And Savanna really would like a play date if you can squeeze us in! You are busy! We are in our house, so we can just stick them all up in the playroom and visit. Call me!
He is adorable! I can't believe how stinkin' cute that dimple is! I just want to squeeze him! You are lookin' great too! I can tell you are back to your work out queen self! Can you please come here and motivate me?!!!! Please?!!! It's warm here! :) Miss you!
seriously cute! This post made me miss you. I feel sad we never get to see your cute baby!! I love Diva Maddi, Alyvia still talks about her coming over. I think she liked that she could boss her around.. they played really good together!
These pictures are so dang cute of Parker! He is such a cuddly little guy too! I can never give him enough kisses. We did have a great weekend with the fam. Wish we could have gotten a pic of the girls with Papi before the nutcracker police fouled us :( Thanks for taking us with you!We loved it!!!!
Parker is such a cutie!!! I just love his chubby cheeks and round head! You look fantastic, skinny!
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