Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Daddy Daughter Birthday Week

Maddie turned 1 last Saturday. It is hard to believe that just a year ago she was born at 6 lbs. 1 oz., three weeks early. She has grown into such a fun little girl. She is starting to develop her own personality and sometimes starting to be quite the little drama queen. She is scooting around like a maniac, pulling herself up to everything, and walking along furniture. She is being so sweet with giving cuddles and kisses too! She also likes to pretend to talk on the phone with everything electronic.. I wonder where she got this from? She also makes this funny face where she scrunches up her nose and face and blows in and out. She has been doing this for months and it is so funny! We are loving her so much and can't stop kissing her sweet cheeks. On Saturday we had lots of family members make the trip down to see us and had a big birthday bash for her and Cam (his birhtday is only 2 days after hers). I made each of them a cake and they blew their candles out together. Maddie didn't quite know what to think of her cake. She licked a little of the frosting, but didn't want any of the actual cake.. she is a picky eater! I took her to her yearly checkup today and she weighs 18 lbs. 12 oz. and is 29 inches tall. We had a lot of fun celebrating both of the special days with everyone and we ate WAY too much cake! Happy Birthday Maddie and Cam!


bladenfamily said...

I can't believe she is already one! It seems like just yesterday I saw you at the hospital. She is growing up to be quite a pretty little lady! How fun!! Happy birthday baby girl!

Melissa said...

Mandy, I love the slide show of past and present.... She is cute, she looks alot like you. Boy how the years fly by, my kids have all grown up too fast. That is fun that she has a B-day so close to her dad. Sounds like you have 2 great excuses to have a party all week long! Looks like you had a great time on your trip...those will be fun memories. BTW Cute cake !!! You must have way more energy than me, I go the store baught route.... Way to go super mom!

Ricki said...

She looks so old on her birthday! I guess it has been a few weeks since I have seen her! Next week, when we are ALL better, we need to all go to the park!

The Ashcroft's said...

It is so crazy how fast time flies, I can't believe our babies are turning one. She is such a cutie! It is sad that they grow up so fast, but at the same time their personalities are so much fun as they grow. Although, we'll see how much I like the personality in about 12 years. Happy Birthday, Maddie! (and Cam!) Hey, why no baby pictures of the birthday Daddy?

Allison said...

Happy Birthday to your baby, and your baby's Daddy!! I loved looking at all of the pictures, does everyone else freak out over her cheeks as bad as I do? I really shouldn't be allowed near her because I wouldn't be able to stop squeezing them! Caroline is doing the same scrunched up face/eyes, blowing thing too! It is hilarious especially when there are double snot bubbles forming! She is an adorable one year old princess! Thanks for sharing.

The Wells Family said...

All I can say is if I had a girl, a little girly as cute as her...I would LOVE it! She is such a doll! She looks so grown-up in the first pic of the slide show. My how they grow and change right in front of our eyes! What a fun celebration! Oh, and I LOVED the polka-dot cake! How creative! Bobby just got a little cupcake to demolish. :)

SUMMER said...

No wAy that she is already 1!!! Happy birthday Maddie!!!