Monday, October 27, 2008

Michler's Cabin

We had such a fun weekend! The Michler's invited us up to their cabin in Kolob with a few other families. We played games, ate some good food, chilled by the fire and didn't get a whole lot of sleep, but it was worth it!Brooke, Me, and Brittany. We are sitting on the fence that runs behind the cabin and below it is a huge cliff! It had an incredible view and when we opened the drapes in the morning and looked outside, Tag yelled, "That's amazing!!!" It was so funny, but it was truley an amazing view.
Here is Cam teaching Tag to shoot. Don't worry.. it is only a pellet gun!!
Here are a few of the kids sitting on a bench outside. We had a fire going the entire time we where there and we all enjoyed watching it, plus it smelled so good too. Then when we got home of course everything smelled like the fire and it doesn't smell too good when you are not in the mountains for some reason! Needless to say, I have been doing laundry all day!
The kids could not get enough of playing on these stairs!!
We brought up a couple of Rhinos and did some cruising around (Thanks Palmers!!) My kids could have driven around all day long in that thing! We drove it down by the lake and spent a lot of time throwing rocks and just hanging out.
Me, Tawni, and Tricia. Thanks again to Ryan and Tricia for the great time!!! It was so fun to get away from cell phones and the television; the cabin didn't have heat or electricity, but we stayed warm by the fire. We had a great time and hope to do it again, maybe next time without Maddie who decided that she didn't want to sleep very well!! Thanks to everyone who came!


raw mom said...

look at you! you hot mama!! i need to see you so bad! i miss your beautiful smile!! and YES! i will be at the trunk or treat!

Jason and Tawni said...

Thank you for posting your pictures, I am stealing a few from your post since you were better at taking them than I was. I will get my post up soon, it was such a fun weekend ... I miss you already!

Ricki said...

Looks like you guys had fun, even without electricty! See, people can survive without all of the things we think we need in a day! I am sure your kids loved it up there, I know mine love camping!

Donny and Colleen said...

That looks way fun! It made me want to go somewhere with the trailer again. I don't want winter I'm ready for summer again. I shouldn't complain the weather here has been super nice. I was in Logan last night and didn't put my jacket on until about 8:00. It was crazy. The pictures of your family are cute as always. Maddie looks like such a big girl next to the other kids. It cracks me up. We also have been saying "thats amazing"!

Allison said...

You were roughing it girl!! No electricity? with kids? I am extremely impressed. Great pics, and it looks like you had a great time.