Monday, November 3, 2008

Busy Halloween Week

We had one crazy, busy Halloween Week! On Monday night for Family Night, we went to the pumpkin patch. The kids had a lot of fun riding on the train ride and sliding down the slide. They also had fun looking at the animals. Both Maddie and Tag were trying to feed this little pony. We went to the pumpkin patch and picked out a pumpkin, but my camera ran out of batteries so we only got a couple pictures.

On Thursday Tag had his Halloween Party at his Preschool. He refused to wear his costume so I just sent it in his back pack thinking that he would eventually want to wear it, but nope, he just went around wearing a normal shirt. Luckily it was a football shirt and people thought he was dressed as a football player! Good job for picking out that shirt, Tag!! He had fun trunk or treating and decorating his pumpkin.
During the day of Halloween I took the kids to a party they were having at the Gym Daycare. While I learned the dance to 'Thriller' in the hip-hop cardio class, they partied it up in the daycare and came home again with loads of candy! Again, Tag refused to wear his costume, so they are just in their Halloween outfits. At this point I was wondering if he would even wear his costume at night??
We pretty much had to force his costume on and this is the first smile he made after he had eaten several pieces of candy! I don't know what his deal was?? He was been obsessed with dressing up for weeks and now when it comes down to it, he doesn't even want to?? Whatever??
Maddie, on the other hand, loved her costume and has even worn it a couple of times that last couple days. Isn't she the cutest butterly you have ever seen?
Here are Cam and Maddie walking around the Trunk or Treat. My kids both loved walking from car to car and really thought it was extra special to actually put the candy in their bag; it was too cute!
I was a gypsy woman and Cam was a dancing ape. He looked hilarious!!
On Saturday morning I ran the Butch Cassidy 10K in Springdale. I finished the race in 52:48 which is a 8:29 min/mile. I was really pretty happy with this considering I had never run this far and I thought it was a decent pace. Here are a few people I ran with. It was beautiful to run with all the fall colors on the mountains, but at times I wasn't really looking at the scenery, just trying to finish the race!! Good Job girls!! WE did it!
On Saturday evening, the Stucki's had a Murder Mystery Dinner. It was fun to dress up and act out the play. We dressed up as Italian people and don't you just love Cam's mustache? I made him promise me that he would never, ever grow a real one!! YUCK!! We had a fun time figuring out who the murderer was and we ate some great pasta and bread! Thanks to the Stucki's for a fun night!
Overall it was a fun week and now we just have a TON of candy that me and my kids can't seem to stop eating!! Good thing I at least ran the race to burn off some of those Halloween treats!


Allison said...

I am cracking up over Cam in both of his pics!! We need to get your dancing gorilla and my sexy sasquatch together! What a great week for you guys. Way to go on the 10K!! I can't believe that I am actually saying this, but I think that I miss running!! I really got out of the habit as soon as I got sick with this baby, and now that I feel better, running with a watermelon and 2 cantaloupes hanging off of the front of me doesn't sound so fun... Learning the thriller in hip hop, though sounds really fun!! We have been listening to it over and over, I just can't remember the dance. Your kiddos looked so cute in their costumes, what a fun Halloween!

The Ashcroft's said...

Sounds like you had some fun Halloween festivities. It so much fun with kids, isn't it? Your Maddie looks so cute, especially with you dancing ape husband holding her hand... HAHA. Wow, good job on the 10K, very impressive. I don't think I could run a block without passing out these days... You go girl!

Heather and Trevor said...

Glad you had a great Halloween! I love the pictures of Maddie as the Butterfly! Yes, she is the cutest I have ever seen! I am so proud of you and your 10K! We seriously need to go running together because that is exactly the pace I go! No kidding! Way to go girl! I will get you that CD too! Also, Emma didn't want to wear her costume as well so I think that is normal! LOL! You are a super cute Gypsy woman and Cam's is hilarious!

Thanks for the Shout Out about the Thriller Class too. That was really fun to have you there. We had more people on Monday but it was still fun. I forget it too! It was hard to take a 6 minute dance and condense it for class, and mix it around but we still got most of the Michael Jackson Essence! :) Anyways, long comment! See you soon! :)

Russ and Suz Adamson said...

Wow, you did have a busy week. I must say that you and Cam looked awesome. He is so great that he would even dress up unlike my other half! Congrats on your run. You guys did awesome.

Donny and Colleen said...

I hardly recognized Cam at first.You both look fantastic! I'm glad the costumes worked out. The kids looked so cute. I know what you mean by them picking out the candy for themselves. We had alot of kids wanting to do the same thing and I just let them do it. It was so cute to see 2 year olds take the candy bars. Sounds like the week turned out to be a fun one. Next time we are together we will have to show each other the moves from thriller and see if it's the same. Kelle and I loved it and Dad thought we were crazy.

Carston, Katrina, Isabelle and Kate said...

I am glad that you guys had such a great Halloween!!!! We are excited to see you for Thanksgiving!!!!

Dion Seneca said...

...and it just gets busier...and more fun! I am usually a bit of a grump around Halloween time, but this year was different. I wasn't quite as busy as you were, but I enjoyed every second of my Halloween festivities. It looks like you did, too.

You did an AWESOME job on your race! Way to go!

Ricki said...

Ummm...I never did hear the story of exactly WHY Cam was a gorilla in a tutu for Halloween?!!! How do you even come up with such a thing, and were do you even buy such a thing! He was hilarious though! You guys looked great! And thanks for running with me, it is always more fun to fun when you have people to gab with, even if you are talking while out of breath!

The Karrens said...

Sounds like lots-o-fun and Cam always cracks me up with his costumes! And what to do with kids who won't wear their costumes??? My kids will always wear theirs, but they just change their minds 100 times and then we end up buying one last minute because they counldn't decide!
And you totally rock on the running! That is a fast run if you ask me! I haven't been able to run since I did the 1/2 because I got hurt and I am still mad about it! We miss you guys!

Melissa said...

You go girl..a 10k! What a great way to run in nice and beautiful weather. I am freezing up here. Cam's costume is hillarious!!!! I love the pink bra ande so hairy. My husband is not down with the dressing up thing! We did go to a friend shin dig that we had to dress up for. He wanted to be a Dentist (how original), but I made him be an indian with a wig and all. We had FUN! I totally hear you about having way too much candy. We have like a two year supply now and my kids have already begun the pukies! Your kids look so cute. So funny that Tag didn't want to wear his costume. Gavyn loves spiderman and what a cute little butterfly Maddie. So fun!

Sarah said...

I'm relieved to know that you claim that dancing gorilla. I was concerned when I saw it wandering around. :) Your costume was awesome too and Madi looked so cute. (I never saw Tag)

Way to go on your race! You girls are awesome.

Christina said...

You guys looked great, and I love Cam's costumes. Too priceless! I sometimes think Halloween is more fun for us adults, so many possiblities!

raw mom said...

look at your gorgeous daughter acting like she's grown up! tell her to stop
growing! we too have WAAAY too much candy!! lets have a night where we eat all of our kids candy and get it out of our houses forever! well, at least for a year or so....

anne said...

Fun! Cute Halloween murder mystery. We did one a few months ago. I like them. And way to go on the run!

PhillipsFamily said...

The murder mystery party looked fun. Maybe one of these day we will be as cool as all you guys up there!

Christina P. said...

I love the butterfly costume! I had the same one for Cohlee. You will probably see a Halloween post on my blog in about a month. That is how I roll!! Good job on the 10K!! Diana and I just ran a 5K. It was fun, but I am not an 8 minute miler!! Good Job!!

Lacee Johnson said...

Its scary to think that that dancing ape is the father of your kids! Thats hilarious....we really need to do dinner before we leave so that Tag and Ty can play together one more time. =(

Rachel Smith said...

ok, I can tell by the costume that your husband and mine would get along great! Now I can finally say that I had fun in that 10k...took me a while to admit it cuz I was hating it at about the 5th mile...but it really was fun!

Amy said...

Awesome costumes and Congrats on the running!! I'm way impressed! Your kids are adorable!

P.S. Remember me? Bucko? We were so retarded!!