Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Week as a Single Mom

Cam was gone to Alaska for a week (but got stuck there for a couple extra days) so we went up north and spent some time with our families. For the first part, we went up to Bear Lake to camp with my family. Taggart had so much fun helping Poppy put up the tent and he even slept in it all by himself!

Tag had Maddie has so much fun playing on the air mattress in the tent; just look at those faces!

They also could not get enough of playing the with door on my parents' trailer.

We had so much fun getting shakes at La Buea's and playing at the Beach; the typical Bear Lake stuff.

We also had a lot of fun playing games, relaxing on the hammock, and Maddie discovered her love for puzzles, just like her Nana! Poppy taught Tag how to play WAR and he didn't want to stop.

It was great to be able to relax by the fire and roast marshmallows. Maddie was scared to death of the fire, maybe because Jocelyn fell into it the night before? Luckily she didn't get hurt much, but provided some entertainment for us!

Maddie with her Auntie McKelle. She loves her Auntie when she isn't teasing her! They had so much fun playing. Isn't this such a cute picture?

My Mom and I sitting by the fire. It was the most beautiful night. Bear Lake is such a beautiful place and I have a lot of great memories from there.

I even had a surprise visitor stop by. One of my best friends from High School happened to be traveling through and stopped by our camp. We had never seen each others' kids so it was fun to catch up. We stuffed everyone in the trailer and had fun hanging out.

Then for the later end of the week, we went to Farmington to spend some time with Grammy, Izzy, and Auntie Katrina. We spent a day at Lagoon, which is always a favorite when we go to Grammy's house. It was the hottest day ever, but the kids didn't mind and loved all the rides.

Their Grammy made them these cute cowboy outfits for the 24th of July and they looked so cute! We went over and rode the horse at Marda's house and the kids thought it was the greatest!

We also celebrated Isabelle's birthday while we were up there. Taggart showed off his muscles by breaking the pinata open and Maddie loved all of Izzy's presents. She didn't want to take this bike helmet off!

We were so glad to see Cam when he finally got home, but we did have a fun-filled week. We all came home exhausted, but it was well worth it! Thanks everyone for the fun week! Pictures from Cam's trip will be here soon.


Donny and Colleen said...

Good choice on the pictures! I had the same ones picked out to put on my blog. So I'll use different ones and the family can see how we love to take pictures to capture every moment! The pioneer outfits were such a cute idea. They both looked so cute. Tag is such a grown up boy in his sunglasses. You and the kids had a fun filled week doing a variety of things! We were glad to spend some bear lake time with you. We do have lots of memories from the lake!!

Ricki said...

You are just lucky you had all that help the whole time from family! Can you imagine being here with no help the whole time?!! You would have been crazy! Glad you had fun, but glad to have you back!

Anonymous said...

FUN! Even though I hate camping I would have taken one for the team... mind you that in this "team" of hating camping it's just me. :0( I would have loved to see the kids running around together. Can't wait to c ya this weekend!

Dion Seneca said...

Wowza! That is one busy week! Sounds like so much fun! Tom used to go out of town all the time, but now that he is home more, I don't know if I could handle a whole week without him...unless he was watching the kids and I got to be the one on vacation. Maybe we should repay Cam the favor and get our girls' trip plans going again!

Anonymous said...

Ok Mandy I'm not sure that counts as a single mom with all your family help, but it looks like you had so much fun and I'm sure are exhausted. Jeff said he saw the boys at Cabela's before they left. Hope they had a good time too. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks.

Anonymous said...

Ok and I came back to the blogging world just in case you gave up on me!!

The Key's said...

You and your kids are too cute! That looked like a way fun week! At least you got to do some fun stuff and didn't have to sit at home all alone when Cam was gone (like I'll be doing when Russ leaves all next week lol). But I hope you're having fun in Cali!! See ya when you get back!

Jason and Tawni said...

You go girl! That is one busy week! I am happy to see that you have been having some fun though.

I am so sorry I haven't been around and able to join you girls for all the fun outings that you've been up to. It's been a crazy month but I think I am almost back to normal. Well, normal for me!

Hope to see you soon!

The Evans' said...

looks like so much fun!! how come you always look so dang cute? It's really not fair!