Sunday, January 2, 2011

Look who turned 6!

I can't believe that Taggart is 6! It really just seems like yesterday that we were having our first little baby boy! Well, he isn't really little anymore and he was very excited about his birthday. He had a big birthday party at the Fun Park. Just look at that group! He was so happy to have all of his friends and family there to celebrate his special day!

They played in the soft play and also played games. Just look at all the tickets he won! He really was in 7th heaven!

He really got a TON of presents, but one of his most favorites was an extra $6 that Nana and Papi gave to him. Just look at the look on his face! He also loved his Beyblades that Grammy and Grandpy gave to him.

After the kids had pizza, Taggart blew out the candles on his Super Mario cake.

Later that evening we went to El Toro for dinner and they brought him out sopapillas with a candle and sang to him while he wore the sombrero. He was quite surprised and thought that was pretty special!

Just a few things about Taggart at age 6:

~He LOVES the Wii, but especially Super Mario Brothers, well actually any video game for that matter (on the iPad, iPhone, anything!). He really could play it all day long and he is actually VERy good at it. We have to monitor it a lot and this is usually the source of any tantrums or meltdowns when we make him turn it off, but it is also great motivator. I can get him to do just about anything if I bribe him with the Wii.
~ He is a very social, friendly little boy. He always wants to be playing with his friends and makes friends easily at school. We are happy to have such great neighbors with 2 little boys and he plays with them a lot!
~ He is doing so well in Kindergarten! He is doing 1st grade Math and already starting to read. I totally underestimated how well he would do in school and he is making us very proud! He is also a good, attentive student and always does very well on his behavior log.
~ He is pretty sweet to his brother and sister at times. When Maddie or Parker is crying, he will hold their hand and talk to them in the sweetest voice. There are a lot of times in the car where I see him holding Maddie's hand and he is always very concerned if Parks cries. He asks, "Is he hungry Mom?" It is very cute and I am glad that he is such a good big brother.
We just love our Mr. T and are so happy that he turned 6! Happy Birthday Taggart!

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