Sunday, January 2, 2011

Parks at 5 Months

I can't believe my little baby is already 5 months old! Just a quick little update about my favorite little man at 5 months.
He really is the best baby ever! I know I say this every month, but he truly is! He is just a very chill baby! He hasn't even rolled over yet because he is just too content to hardly move! He is in love with his hands and fingers and he is often found sucking on his two fingers.

He sleeps really good and is pretty good to fall asleep anywhere (crib, carseat, bed, floor..anywhere!) And he always wakes up so happy! Cam and I fight over who goes into his room to get him when he wakes up. A lot of times I just go into the room to check on him and he is awake and just chillin! Or he wakes up just talking and babbling.
He is such a smiley baby! He loves to give anyone a smile who will pay attention to him!

He has started reaching and grabbing for things with his hands and he is having fun playng with his toys now.

We just love those beautiful blue eyes!

I just can't get enough of him!


Jessica said...

I just want to eat Parker! He is so daring. I can't believe I hardly know him. Something is very wrong with that. I loved reading your blog. Makes me miss your little family. Everyone is getting so big, except for you of course, you just keep withering away :) love ya


What a cutie!! We miss you too!! I can't believe he is so big, I feel like I was just up there taking those pictures of a tiny little guy.. Can't wait to see you in February!

bladenfamily said...

Oh honey, you don't look like you have even a single pound to lose. Come over and do some Wii dancing with me. It's fun cardio!