Last night I spent most of the night cleaning up Taggart's throw up that was spread from his room to the kitchen since he threw up in his toy basket in his bedroom. WE discovered that he is allergic to cashews last night after a somewhat scary incident. He made it through without a trip to the emergency room, but now we all know to not give him any tree nuts! Anyway, since all I do it clean up Tag's messes, there are no exceptions for this morning. I was bathing and dressing Maddie while Tag was in my tub. I find him wandering down the hall with bubbles covering his whole body. I can hear the jets running in my bathtub and I just know that something is wrong. I walk in to find this!! HOLY BUBBLES! No wonder he got out.. he was drowning in bubbles. Come to find out, he had dumped a whole bottle of shampoo out and had the jets running. For anyone who doesn't know, this makes tons of bubbles. So I have spent the entire morning cleaning up yet another mess that my son has made. Has anyone else ever had this happen? Or am I the only one with a mischevious little boy?
My kids have done this, but only in the hotel where somebody else has to clean it up. Good luck!
Aren't kids the greatest. I swear it happens in an instant. Sorry about his reaction. That will really put a damper on having to watch everything that goes in that boys mouth. Glad he loved sunbeams too. Kenlie went for the first time on Sunday too and loved it. Looks like you had a great holiday too. So glad you're back with the blogging world.
Holy Bubbles is right, I can't say that I have ever had that kind of mess, but never say never, right?.... Oh yeah, NO MORE NUTS, TAG!!!! SCARY!!!
Oh Mandy, wait until you have two boys! When my boys would do things like that I had two options 1)get mad, cry, and loose it or 2)take a picture and have a little laugh (like I need a vacation laugh!). I am glad to see you did the second! Hang in there and enjoy that part of little boys growing up, before long it seems like a lot of back talk is going on!
Thank goodness for us crazy Bloggers that document everything crazy our kids do! Tag will someday appreciate that you took pictures of his destruction! Just make sure when he grows up and has a terror child just like him, you show him all of the evidence of what he did to you! He will deserve a little terror just like he is!
aw too bad i wasnt there! that looks like fun! i'd get suit on and dive in... if i was 4 of course! how DID you clean that...
I love it! It is like something on tv. What a cutie! Sorry about all the messes though. I feel like all I do is clean as well. You're not alone!!
O Mandy! That is so sad about Tag. At least everything is ok now. Let me tell you...Jace has done that. He thought he was putting bubble bath stuff in the tub and bubbles were EVERYWHERE! It must be a guy thing.
Ohhh poor Tag! nuts are gonna be hard to watch darnit! I'm so sorry about the throw up, I dont' think that I will EVER get used to cleaning up puke, it is absolutely the worst. I think that puke is like 10 times worse than poop...seriously. I am laughing my head off about the bubbles incident, only because it has happened like 5 times now at our house. My Quincy is completely OCD when there is a full bottle of anything, be it Ranch dressing, body spray, bubble bath....etc. She finds it her personal mission to empty containers. If I don't watch her like a hawk she will seek out any full bottle of yummy smelling bath stuff, turn the jets on and woo hoo! well you know. All you can do is laugh.
Classic! I was laughing out loud when I saw this! Boys will be boys, right? Bobby has done his fair share of nasty's, but he is just beginning to do more exciting things. I have two nephews that are Tag's age and they sure put their parents through some great experiences! They've either broken or flushed MANY things down the toilet that require toilet surgery or get busy in the middle of the night while everyone is sleeping. I am NOT looking forward to it, especially the potty training thing..UHH..Any tips on THAT one?
I buy Shampoo by the dozens, for some reason my kids think it's the funniest thing to dump in the tub!!! URGH!! It is the worst mess to clean up, but I am happy to tell you that they are starting to grow out of it, so he will too!!! Sorry about the scary nut allergy!!!
I have never seen that many bubbles... what kind of bubble bath are you using? I need that!!!
I hope you can come to our girls night, Jan 23rd around 6pm, we're going to get something to eat and then see 27 dresses at the Hurricane Theater. I HOPE you can come!!!!
The bubbles look awesome!You just have to have a different perspective of things to get you through it. I finally learned to not cry over spilt milk as the saying goes. You know I've had my share of messes raising you kids!As Tag's nana it makes me laugh to think of him walking around with bubbles all over. I'm sure glad he's not afraid of the water or he might be traumitized for life.
I love it! (mostly because it's not at my house!) I'm sure you have a really clean bath now... cleaning up throw up is the worst. Ted has a secret weapon he uses to clean up throw up... he shoves two wet wipes up his nostrils to block the smell... works like a charm!
We are heading to sunny sT. George this weekend with the Ottersons... we'll have to chat to see if we can hook up with you guys!
MANDI!!!! HOW ARE YOU?!? YOU have THE cutest family!!!! I left a comment on katie's blog for you...and ali and jaque...and heeellloooo to kristin perry..and robyn and is that steph perry??? WOW, it's like a USU reunion on your blog!!! sooo fun to read!!!! I'm new in the blogging world...and don't remember how to add people..my sis-in-law needs to come over and give me blogging 101 AGAIN!!! FOr real...HOW ARE YOU..it's been way too long!!! tell cam hi, and let's keep in touch...all of us!!
The nut allergy is scary. I have been allergic to tree nutes my whole life, 28 years, and now my daughter is allergic to peanuts and cashews. We take her to an allergist once every two years. You have to have it documented from a doctor before your kids can go to kindergarten so they can have an epipen(Allergy shot). When we have gone to the allergist he insist we don't eat any nuts because it is so deadly, and the more they are introduced too the more of a chance they have of being allergic to them. For my son who is just eighteen months they told us to wait until 3 before introducing him to any kind of nut. Good luck with the allergy though. It is great nothing serious happened.
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