Monday, August 11, 2008

18 Months Old!!

Our little Madelyn just turned 18 months old! I can't believe she is already this old! She is the cutest thing in the whole world, even with her little attitude. She is turning into quite a little girl and we are a little afraid. She loves to dance and whenever we turn on any music at all, she gets her groove on. She also tries to so somersaults, but usually just ends up landing on her head. It is pretty hard for her to get her ghetto booty to roll over! She is starting to say a few words, but mostly just talking in her own language. She is getting pretty cute and pointing to some body parts and telling us what the animals say. We love it when she uses her sign language and tries to tell us what she wants. She is such a sweet cuddler and will crawl into your arms and snuggle with her blankie when she is tired or just waking up from a nap. We love this! She is so cute at giving kisses and hugs too! She officially gets to go to nursery now, but since we are already nursery leaders, she is stuck with us! Or we are stuck with her (and several other 18-24 month olds!) Happy 1 1/2 year birthday to our little lady!! We love you so much!!


Christina P. said...

It is crazy how fast time flies!! I remember going to the lake and she was just this brand new tiny baby! She is so cute!! I do love her dance moves! We need to meet @ Jumpin Jacks so I can see her get her groove on again!

Dion Seneca said...

She is such a doll! I especially love her ghetto booty and darling curls!

Unknown said...

Blair is watching the Olympics and just won't snuggle me! I'm wishing I could cuddle with Maddie, but you guys live too stinkin far away! Happy 18 months Maddie! We love you and your sweet cheeks..both sets! For your b-day you should ask your parents for the lot next to your Auntie Kim.

Anonymous said...

OMG I can't believe how fast time goes by! It's so fun 2 c them growing up yet sad because I love the baby part. She is so cute and I wish we lived closer because her and Ada would have so much fun. So now that little miss thing is growing up are you guys ready for a 3rd or r u all done? I get so sad every month that goes by with Boston because he could be our last. And then I want another kid, and then he wakes up 3 times a night and I'm like " a third kid,that's crazy talk"! XOXOXOXO
love/miss u guys

anne said...

Nursery age...that's always a great milestone. That's fun you get to be in nursery. Think of all the blessings you'll get! :)

The Ashcroft's said...

She is so cute! I wish her and Keaton could meet... maybe one day. I hate how the time is flying by, I just want to freeze. Yeah, for nursery:( Don't worry I will be in there with Keaton anyway cuz he probably won't go without me. That's how I got to be Macy's nursery leader:) Fun, fun.

Celia said...

Congrats on the big milestone! She is so cute with all that curly hair -- we're jealous!

As far as deciding whether or not to have another baby, all I can say is ... take your sweet time! Being sick is for the birds!

Donny and Colleen said...

Really can she get any cuter? I love her curls, she is a doll. She is growing up so fast and it was good to hear about the new things she is doing. I will be excited to get a cuddle out of her on Sat. I'm in withdrawl of Boston's & Ada's cuddles already. Happy 18th months Maddie!

Anonymous said...

We have got to get her and Caroline together, Keaton can come too! They would have a grand time playing with each other, plus win a baby contest or two for cutest freakin kids ever!